Saturday, October 23, 2010

Islamic Fashion Show????

I want to begin the post with a very-very SIMPLE & BASIC QUESTION:

Do THEY really know what is ISLAM, don't they???

The first time I saw the picture of Islamic Festival Fashion (IFF), I feel ANNOYED & PISSED-OFF.

See the video below:

The video begin with an introduction:

"..... MODESTY is getting touch of GLAMOR. Islamic Fashion Show (IFF) organizer are hoping to show the BEAUTY of Islam to counter the NEGATIVE STEREOTYPE........."

And after that, there was a speech by an "ustaz wannabe" talking about the SPIRIT of Islam as below:

"...... in this case, Islamic fashion which reflect the TRUE SPIRIT of Islam which is VERSATILITY, which is MODESTY. We like audience to discover the BEAUTY of MODESTY is like to discover the BEAUTY of Islam, so that they will live together with PEACE & HARMONY......."

Do you know what are you talking about man?? What a NONSENSE!

How can THEY claim that this is "Islamic Fashion" ????



Can you guys see our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W name on the CHEST & PRIVATE PART of this model??? This is PENGHINAAN !

Please put aside your political sentiment for a while, whether you are UMNO, PAS or Keadilan. Let us unite for the sake of the TRUTH of our beloved religion, ISLAM! 

How can we as a MUSLIM support this??



  1. Nauzubillah...just wondering how they interpret islam...tht is not islam..."is tht just dun judge the books by its cover,,janji hati dalam baik??"..embarrassing!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes.. I can't agree more with your comment..

    I really hope that our country that we proudly call a "Muslim Country" and the "Muslim Leader" that we have, withdraw our participation in IFF in the future!

    Please stop this B.S !

  4. Salam

    Bila nak sebarkan berita...baik check betul dah sampai jadi fitnah, dosa sapa nak tanggung ?? cuba baca nie

  5. bro sorry salah bagi address...cuba check yang nie yer

    aku bukan apa...aku tak suka org buat fitnah...

  6. Salam Nazri,

    Thanks sebab komen kt sini.

    Aku skang asyik keje malam sampai x sempat nak update @ baca komen. Tu yang lambat balas ni.

    Aku x nak tabur fitnah dekat sesiapa. Kalau aku tertabur fitnah, aku mintak maaf sangat2 kt individu berkenaan & aku dah delete segala gambar, link yg berkaitan ngn individu tertentu.

    Actually, mmg aku tau yang Fashion Show tuh dekat Monte Carlo bukan di Malaysia, seperti yg kita boleh dengar & lihat dekat video di atas.

    Tp yang aku x setuju di sini just penggunaan nama ISLAM dalam Fashion Show macam ni dan kita ada kaitan iaitu Kuala Lumpur adalah salah satu penganjur acara tersebut, seakan2 kita meredhai ape yang di buat oleh bangsa lain yg bukan Islam, atas nama suci ISLAM.

    Kenapa umat Islam yg hadir di Monte Carlo tu x boleh bersuara untuk at least menegur ape yang salah?

    Apekah meletakkan nama Nabi Muhammad di dada & private part model itu di kira sebagai Fashion?

    Apekah kita tidak boleh menegur penganjur Monte Carlo utk sebenar2 nya mengenakan pakaian WAJIB umat Islam iaitu TUDUNG dan MENUTUP AURAT?

    Kalau betul la ni Islamic Fashion, kenapa kita tak buat di tempat paling suci umat Islam, Mekah dan Madinah?


    BR /// Taufik Latef

  7. Secara jujurnya aku mmg tak setuju dgn fesyen show tu sah2 nampak tak betul langsung. Inilah yang berlaku bila minda terlalu cetek psl Islam.... Islam hanya pada nama saja sepertimana yg ditonjolkan oleh peragawati2 tu.... na'uzubillah.... mintak2 jgn benda ni sampai ke Malaysia.
